Welcome to the GoMRedSnapperMSE Project (we recommend to use Firefox browser)

An interactive web-based decision-support tool for better managing Gulf of Mexico red snapper fishery resources.

Designed and maintained by the Fisheries and Ecosystem Assessment Lab supported by NOAA RESTORE ACT PROGRAM.

If you want to test your own MSE scenario, please create.

If you want to test more MSE scenarios and save them, please register.

If you want to see one basic run, click here.

You can also evaluate the effect of using different allocations for Commercial and Recreational Sectors, click here.

You can also evaluate the effect of using different legal sizes, click here.


    In this project, the research team will develop a decision-support tool based on a management strategy evaluation (MSE) framework for the Gulf of Mexico red snapper fishery. The tool will help quantify the risks and trade-offs among the various alternative long-term management strategies and potential short-term regulations that might be used for the rebuilding and sustainable management of the Gulf of Mexico red snapper resource. See Background details.


    Two versions have been developed for this Red Snapper MSE tool. The Standard Version is oriented to users with limited MSE background, while the Professional Version faces to stock assessment stock scientists and managers who want to dig deeper into the technical details. The output formats for both the Standard and the Professional Versions are the same, so that they can be compared horizontally.

    Both, the Standard and Professional Versions, can test and compare alternative management strategies under:

Standard Version (shoutcut MSE for general public) Professional Version (full MSE for stock assessment scientists)
Initial setting Must be the same with the latest stock assesment. Can be different from the latest stock assesment.
Natural mortality Must be the same among years. Can be different from year to year (under construction).
Recruitment Either from historical data or fixed Beverton-Holt Model Can also modify Beverton-Holt Model parameters.
Stock mixing assumption No mixing. Mixing occurs between the East and West Gulf (under construction).
Assesment error Add errors to the "true" age-based abundance and fishing mortality. Generate a set of survey data, then input that into SS3 to get updated fisheries and other related parameters (under construction).
Selectivity setting Must be the same with the latest stock assesment. The asymptote of the selectivity curve can be modified (under construction).

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Contact Us

Principal Investigator
Yuying Zhang
Department Biological Sciences
Florida International University
3000 NE 151st Street MSB 358
Miami, FL, 33181
Phone: 305-919-4105
Email: yzhang13@fiu.edu
Webpage: www.fiufeal.com
Co-Principal Investigators
Daniel Goethel
NOAA Alaska Fisheries Science Center
Matthew Smith
NOAA Southeast Fisheries Science Center
Laura Picariello
Texas Sea Grant
Yong Chen
Stony Brook University
Luiz Barbieri
Fish and Wildlife Research Institute
Christina Verlinde
Florida Sea Grant
Juan Ager
NOAA Southeast Fisheries Science Center