The dynamics of the median total catch (upper) and the median total spawning stock biomass (SSB; lower) during the projection period.
The dynamics of the median catches for the Commercial Sector, the For-hire Component, and the Private Angling Component during the projection period.
The dynamics of the median spawning stock biomass (SSB) in the East Gulf and West Gulf during the projection period.
The dynamics of the median Commercial catches in the East Gulf and West Gulf during the projection period.
The dynamics of the median For-hire catches in the East Gulf and West Gulf during the projection period.
The dynamics of the median Private Angling catches in the East Gulf and West Gulf during the projection period.
The estimated median lengths of the fishing seasons for the Federal For-hire component and the variations during the projection period.
Note: The season length is estimated based on the quota and the average catch rate in 2018.
The estimated median season lengths for the Private Angling component in each state during the projection period.
Note: The season length is estimated based on the quota and the average catch rate in 2018.
Kobe plot with median fishing mortality ratio (relative to FSPR26%) and median spawning biomass ratio (relative to SSBSPR26%). The Kobe plot is divided into four panels: The red panel (upper left) corresponds to the “overfished and overfishing phase” area. The light green panel (lower right) is the “no risk” area. The orange panel (lower left) corresponds to the “overfished, but not overfishing” area. The olive-green panel (upper right) is the “overfishing, but no overfished” area. This Kobe plot characterizes the mediate situations. Blue circles represent the annual trajectory of the Gulf of Mexico red snapper fishery over time.
The dynamics of the median recruitment in the East Gulf and West Gulf during the projection period.
The dynamics of the median Commercial catch and the variation during the projection period.
The dynamics of the median Recreational catch and the variation during the projection period.
The dynamics of the median For-hire catch and the variation during the projection period.
The dynamics of the median Private Angling catch and the variation during the projection period.
The dynamics of the median fishing mortality and the variation during the projection period.
The dynamics of the median spawning stock biomass (SSB) in the East Gulf and the variation during the projection period.
The dynamics of the median spawning stock biomass (SSB) in the West Gulf and the variation during the projection period.
The dynamics of the median total spawning stock biomass (SSB) and the variation during the projection period.
Estimated median Private Angling catch in the Alabama State (AL) and the variation during the projection period.
Estimated median Private Angling season length in the Alabama State (AL) and the variation during the projection period.
Note: The season length is estimated based on the quota and the average catch rate in 2018.
Estimated median Private Angling catch in the Florida State (FL) and the variation during the projection period.
Estimated median Private Angling season length in the Florida State (FL) and the variation during the projection period.
Note: The season length is estimated based on the quota and the average catch rate in 2018.
Estimated median Private Angling catch in the Louisiana State (LA) and the variation during the projection period.
Estimated median Private Angling season length in the Louisiana State (LA) and the variation during the projection period.
Note: The season length is estimated based on the quota and the average catch rate in 2018.
Estimated median Private Angling catch in the Mississippi State (MS) and the variation during the projection period.
Estimated median Private Angling season length in the Mississippi State (MS) and the variation during the projection period.
Note: The season length is estimated based on the quota and the average catch rate in 2018.
Estimated median Private Angling catch in the Texas State (TX) and the variation during the projection period.
Estimated median Private Angling season length in the Texas State (TX) and the variation during the projection period.
Note: The season length is estimated based on the quota and the average catch rate in 2018.